Dark Undereye Circles

How to Treat Dark Undereye Circles

If you’ve ever looked in a mirror and been shocked by how tired or sallow your eyes look, there’s a good chance you were dealing with dark undereye circles. These circles can have a marked impact on your appearance, and they can even be difficult to manage with makeup. If you’re looking for ways to treat your dark undereye circles, here are a few options.

1. Drink More Water


The area underneath your eye is a very delicate tissue, and that means it’s one of the first tissues that might shrink if you’re very dehydrated. If you regularly have a hard time remembering to drink liquids in general, you might find that you don’t get enough water, causing your undereye bags to show. Start by drinking water and listening to your body for thirst cues to see whether that helps.

2. Sleep More

Sleep is one of the most well-known reasons for dark undereye circles, so chances are you already knew that this could be important. Irregular sleep can be just as difficult or even more difficult on your body than regular insomnia, so the first thing to do is make sure you’re sleeping at the same time every night. This can help rejuvenate your appearance.

3. Avoid Eye Strain

Eye strain can actually cause issues with your under-eye appearance. If you’re regularly using the computer or your phone or you find that it’s difficult to see things clearly, you might enlarge the blood vessels under your eyes, which can show up as dark circles. Try to take breaks from the computer and phone and make sure you have the right prescription for your glasses.

4. Combat Allergies

The inflammation from any allergic conditions that affect your eyes can lead to bruising in the delicate tissues under the eyes, and that can absolutely cause dark marks under the eyes. It’s most prominent when you rub at inflamed eyes, but it can happen just from allergies. You might want to look into OTC or doctor-prescribed allergy treatment, especially during the spring months.

5. Consider an Eye Cream

Especially if none of these things work, it could just be that your genetics make you predisposed to dark undereye circles. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it can mean that you have to take matters into your own hands. An eye cream specifically targeted at reducing undereye circles can be the perfect option for that. Just make sure you grab an Ulta coupon to get the best price on your eye cream purchase.


Dark undereye circles can be frustrating to see, but they don’t have to ruin your appearance. If you’re willing to put in a little bit of work and try out some different strategies, you can get rid of these circles or at least seriously reduce their impact. Use these five tips to treat your dark undereye circles more effectively.



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